Jul 25, 2008

Yes He Can!

Jul 9, 2008

Bowie got his wings!

En route to MO for Memorial Day 08.

Standing is kinda cool huh?

A day in the park...Jurassic Freakin' Park

What started off as a casual sunday stroll through the roses...

quickly turned into the stroll of ultimate terror...Roarrrrrrr!!

Lucky for us humans can totally beat up plastic dinosaurs. Never forget!

Sister Kristi

Where you going
What you looking for
You know this boy wants to play some more with you
It's true
No motoring

Jul 8, 2008

The Bart The

This dude was just telling me he's getting ready to buy a 2nd house....PLAYA!!


Toe Lickery Suckery

Babies....they suck and lick toes. Caught on camera!!


More pics of Bowie in Missouri over Memorial Day 08.
And b/c it was such a great time, I decided to bust out some rhyme

Cousin Piper will you change my diaper?

Aunt Susan is schmoozin'

Grandma Val is a true pal

Grandpa Jim steps in with a sheepish grin

Grandma in the back thinks Grandpa's a silly whack

Cousin Maddi not too shabby

Uncle Mark is a baby shark

Cousin McKenzie whipped me into a frenzy

Aunt Cathy makes me happy

Cousin Coop in the green is looking lean

Aunt Machelle with her boys Nate, Gabe, and Seth all in a swell

New faces here are Uncle Dennis, Sue in the back, and Sally on the side doing the Grandma glide

Sydney is looking nifty while Palmer couldn't be calmer

Piper again and me in zen

These two are in my crew

Cousin Chesney makes me giggle and wiggle

Taking a break with Aunt Susan the great

Aunt Cathy is fun in the sun

Friend Brooks gives me some funny looks

One silly group, with Mckenzie, Piper, and Master Coop

Aunt Machelle is super cool and no fool to baby drool

I'm a poet didn't you know it!