Feb 28, 2009

Me and Mom

Happy Birthday!!!

Balloons check. Party animal to my right check. Cake check. Presents....where the hell are they?

Julie and Mommy posing with frosting face


And more...My love for balloons just blossomed

One hand on present, one hand on book, two feet on other present. Heaven.


Let's get this par-tay started

Cheerio Book...sweet joy

Thank you Hogans. My first pirated music disc.
Kristy reading to me...winding down.
Loooong Day. Time to chill in the chair. Thanks Myra for sending!!

Holiday Leftovers

A couple pics from 12/25 the HoganKnockers sent us.

1....2.....3. Ding-ding-ding.

Family photo. Taken a few weeks after we adopted the Hogans.